Tuesday, April 04, 2006


Today I decided to start using my 4shared account some more as I had signed up for it a while back and had nearly forgotten about it. And in my opinion its excellent! 500 MB's of space for stuff that you can share with other people. Its even free. I can load movies, music, photos, documents and other stuff in it. Including software! you can sign up for it at www.4shared.com I've seen some people who make patches and software put some things (like images and software) onto 4shared. My preferred website provider is iPower web. You get 10,000 Mb's of space, and up to 2,500 email accounts for only 96$ a year. I'll probably use it for my next website. I've already uploaded some images and videos onto my 4shared account. Now I can just give people a link when I want to give them a photo or video.

I heard from PCworld that BitDefender is the best, but for some reason I still prefer McAfee. I wonder why... Maybe because McAfee is a bigger company. I installed two new programs onto my computer today. Everest, and firegraphics Xp. Both of which I got from a Maximum PC CD and both of which I really like. Everest is very useful imdeed if you want to know about your computer without prying it open.

Its a rainy day today. Or as it turned out afterwards, a snowy day. But nevertheless I like it. For some reason I like rainy days. And going out on one (can you believe it!)


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