Sunday, January 13, 2008

the recent not-so-interesting fairly routine happenings

Sorry for not blogging for so long, I will update this post later once I've uploaded my latest photos etc. (I would do this write now, but I unfortunately left the memory card reader device at home)

I have been busy reading a load of magazines lately, mostly news and related subjects. I read a number of interesting articles (which I'll go into later) as well as a lot of books, which I have been unable to catch up with the rate at which I was buying them, mostly because I just found great deals on them and bought them.

I have been writing a lot lately as well, I find that these days, more than before, I am able to think up things to write, it just flows out of me more easily, without stagnating along the way, although I'm not so sure if thats much of a scientific explanation for it. My amount of time that I can focus on individual things is rather small, although that depends on what it is, my degree of interest etc. What I mean is, that when I start something I find that I gradually, or eventually lose interest, either completely or partially, so I find that I write mostly smaller fragments, and short things.

I have been taking a few pictures lately, in fact on the way to this cafe I did, although I have to keep at that more, just dedicate an entire length of time to taking photos.

Wi-fi cafes often charge per hour of time,(or day) which is somewhat irksome, as it (the service) can be obtained 100% free (and just as easily) in other places, I dont have the most efficient connection at my home, for more intensive things, so for those ever so slightly more intensive things I have to go out to wi-fi hotspots, or whatever else they are called.

I have been reading the Life of Pi by Yann Martel, which is eccentric while at the same time quite ordinary in plot, I have only really started it, but the small amount that I have read is quite multi-layered a rich in content.

I would like to visit Vancouver someday, just to "explore" it, there are many parts of canada that I have not been too, well, actually I have only really been in two cities of canada.

Montreal (in my opinion) consists of 4 different types of neighbourhood: downtown, rich residential areas (west island, westmount, anyplace predominantly populated by houses rather than apartments) suburbs (like mile end, the plateau) and then areas under construction or that do not fit into the above categories. (Basically Miscellaneous) Having this blend is nice, as each neighborhood is different, and good in its own unique way. Milwaukee only really had the downtown area, and the richer residential areas, (which was, to my pleasure, where I was staying) and these two types of neighborhood are all sort of split up by empty space and highways, it is good if you have a car, but otherwise it is difficult to get around, as all of the convenient stores and shops and whatever else is all spread out, and there is no public transportation system worth mentioning apart from a scarce few buses. But as I said, excellent if one has a car.

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