Saturday, January 20, 2007

One of my few and very infrequent posts...

I have got a new canon rebel xt... i love it so much....

I am so frustrated that my internet has been down for so long. It really sucks.... I am not up-to-date with anything and im not talking to anyone....

And i dont have an unlimited amount of money to spend on internet cafes....

I got a sharp 20" LCD TV for christmas, as well as chocolate, some dvd's, some books and a number of other things including a new swivel chair for my bedroom...

I really am going to try to get a new internet connection some time very soon.... Its like being in prison....!!!

My dad is in montreal.... And because of my having no internet I didn't find out quickly.....


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I understand what you mean by it feeling like being in prison. Having that link or lifeline to the people you want to communicate with, and using a system you usually use taken away really sucks.

Wow! So glad to hear you got the Rebel XT. How much did it cost?

Post a couple of pictures, why don't you?

Internet cafes are not, or do not have to be expensive. If you go to the plateau, in fact (St. Laurent, Parc, St. Denis) almost any coffee shop you go in, even if it itself isn't wired, will been near a wireless connection that doesn't require a password, etc.

That kind of thing doesn't exist hear in Taiwan. Pretty much the only places that have wifi in Taiwan (which for a tech-based country is pretty bloody lame, if people ask me, and they probably didn't...ask me) are McDonald's restaurants, where you have to pay quite a lot of money for very little time. Montreal is almost all free. Particularly if you get into the habit of drinking coffee (you shouldn't do that until you're about fourteen or fifteen, I think, although from what I see, Taiwanese seem to disagree with my till-now unexpressed notion. Why not drink tea or hot chocolate. I personally love Earl Grey tea, of which there is very little cheap portions of it here.

Try spending lots of time at the cafes. Many people spend 5 hours (sometimes more, although that is a bit much) just nursing one or two coffees and working on their laptop computers!

6:47 PM  
Blogger stella said...

I'm so happy that you come back to your blog...
Hope you can keep on your blog...ha ha...

8:14 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Hey Jacob!

Happy Birthday. Happy 13th, at're a...teenager!

I hope you get as many of the things you wish for as possible.

11:17 PM  

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